twixtor testing - Nyram footage from Tibor Huđik on Vimeo.
So I've started using Twixtor for doing slow motion... It manages to create smooth slow motion even if you don't have enough frames per second to support it... This video is demonstration what can you get using Twixtor.
Raw footage is 720p *.mov with 60fps ... Twixtor can (supposedly) transform it to around 1000fps and still make it look smooth !
I'm using adobe suite cs5 for about a week for now and I fell in love with it ... since now I used cs4 and I never thought that cs5 could bring so much better stuff and innovation...
for instance, adobe dynamic link now actually works as its supposed to work ! without hogging entire memory and processing power !
I'm looking forward to this weekend, I'll be recording old friends from my Parkour days, hope they can deliver some awesome stuff so I could make one bad ass video ! :)
I'll post video when its done, of course :)